There are a few FHP colleges out there, so I did my research and found this was one of the best. I travelled up from the south and I was not disappointed!

Undoubtedly John is extremely knowledgeable and like his small team they are all very passionate and enthusiastic. On a personal level, I found the theory quite challenging, but with the help & support from the team I got through it. The college offered a student house which I stayed in during my time of the 2 weeks practical.

Lessons were taught at a high standard. The teachers in the clinic were always by your side to help and guide you when carrying out treatments on patients.  The team are very approachable and friendly and happy to answer any questions. I was made to feel at ease in prep for my test (If you're anything like me I usually freak out when someone mentions the word ‘test’).

Overall, this course has given me the confidence to set up my own successful business. The only regret I have is that I wish I had done this sooner. It doesn’t end there... the college offers ongoing support, courses, master classes and an annual conference. So not only gives you the opportunity to expand your knowledge and grow as a professional but also have fun and meet new people and make new friends.  - WS

first conversion course completion

first conversion course completion with college of foot health practitioners

"Super Organised, great staff & very knowledgeable. I feel very fortunate to have found this college. I am now really confident and excited about my new career" - RB

Lower Limb Masterclass Feedback

lower limb masterclass testimonials

The Lower Limb & Leg Disorder Masterclass is an excellent course. It's interesting, fun, well-delivered and able to keep everyone involved.

This course offers a lot of detail on how to support and give advice to clients who may be suffering from an array of different disorders. I enjoyed the practical aspect and how to assess the mechanics of the foot and lower leg - very good teaching.

A thoroughly enjoyable course with a very knowledgeable tutor. Delivered in an easy-to-understand manner. I learnt many things that I didn't realise, considering injuries and pain in the lower limbs. So glad I attended this course and would recommend this course to any practitioner wishing to further their knowledge. 

Excellent course - Ryan kept it practical and helped introduce a range of treatments. 

I really enjoyed the course, it was very informative and fun. I loved the hands-on approach, it makes it easier to understand the theory. 

Ryan tailors the material to potential clients we are likely to encounter. It's also excellent to hear personal experiences as I can relate to this easier and helps with memory recall. Overall a warm and approachable tutor with fantastic materials and technique. 

Really enjoyed the course, Ryan is an excellent and engaging tutor. Time flew. It's great to know how to improve hands-on techniques and overall learning and practicing. 

class of 2024

EGS – Big thank you to John, Gemma, Danni, Jill and Jane great people very helpful.


JM – Huge thank you to everyone! I’ve felt super supported throughout.


MA – I’ve had an amazing two weeks, thank you!


LP – Danielle & Jill are absolute credits to the college, very approachable, friendly, and encouraging. Gemma and Jess are excellent tutors, they have so much patience and really explain everything.

class of april 2024 college foot health practitioners group picture
plaque of testimonials from april group 2024
march class group shot

"All staff very friendly, knowledgeable, and approachable" - CP

"What an amazing experience, I’m so glad that I chose this college. All of the tutors and staff have been incredibly supportive & extremely knowledgeable. Any worries or fears that I may have had before or during the course were re-assured. Thank you so very much to all of you. I definitely made the best and right choice of college. I nearly forgot to say I had some fun too" - TL

"I am happy and, in the future, would like to do more courses" - AW

"Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement" - KF

"Jane and Gemma were exceptionally fantastic" - KH

"Jane and Gemma have been amazing, a lot of knowledge, very helpful. Danni has been fantastic throughout. Jill was also a standout for me very supportive and friendly" - AW


class and principal together in the classroom - class of November 23
October student testimonials

Great course, John and all the tutors very knowledgeable, experienced, and amazing help. - JP

The Overall 2 weeks have been brilliant. The tutors have been fantastic. - AB

The college has been excellent with all their help and support over the past couple of weeks. - MS

Thank you for the concise information & wonderful staff.  Thanks for everything and all your help Danni. – AF

Had a great 2 weeks, everyone has been so lovely and helpful. Absolutely brilliant. – JC

All the staff at the college go above and beyond at all times. Thank you so much. – VP

I have really had the best time & have learnt so much. Thank you to all of the staff and John - MR

The tutors throughout the practical two weeks have been amazing, great skills and techniques learnt. The support & feedback given when doing the coursework has been great and nothing has been too much for the college to assist and help you with when you need it - FB

I had the time of my life with you all! Thank you very much. You all are the best - MS

What an amazing experience this has been. I believe I have been taught by the best - GL

Everything was fantastic, and I will forever be grateful to every single one of you - RB

October foot health practitioner testimonials

Great friendly and professional team, with a good mixture of Tutors. So happy I decided to take this course. Thanks so much! - AR

Amazing college, I felt at ease the moment I walked through the door. Thanks for an amazing two weeks - JP

I would recommend the college to anyone looking for a career as an FHP. Thank you all for the time & patience you have given to me in providing me with the confidence to grow and develop my business - JB

This course has been one of the most amazing things I have done in my life! I thank you! - PO

college of foot health august testimonials 4

The College of Foot Health Practitioners is amazing – we are going away feeling confident, enlightened and happy. The College staff are amazing! Thank you - SS

It was a great course – all supervisors were helpful and kind when supporting students. I would recommend this course to other potential foot health practitioners!  KA

college of foothealth diploma photo 3
college of foot health june group testimonials
College of foot health practitioners student group

The course was very thorough, the tutors were very experienced, patient and knowledgeable. I would recommend the course to other people who are interested in this field. I feel confident treating and looking at feet. The time and information given for helping set up my own business was priceless - GC

The course has met my learning objectives and expectations. The learning experience and mode of delivery were presented very well. The interactions with staff and patients were invaluable. The content of the course was well presented, and I have come away feeling much more confident after many interactions, feedback and continual assessment. The value of the course was well priced – I have gained experience, a qualification and first-class content of course structure. My professional development needs have all been met. Excellent course provider, well informed. Good Tutor and mentoring.  Well-informed and value for money, superb training facility - CS

The course has been a positive learning experience -  MM

College of foot health practitioners may testimonials

Really enjoyed the two weeks of practical training. Fantastic Clinic, with very knowledgeable Tutors.  They made me feel confident and well-supported in every aspect throughout all the Clinics. I feel now I am well prepared to move forward in a domiciliary role. I would definitely recommend this College. - SP

A wonderful course. I couldn’t recommend it more highly. Such a lovely College with helpful and friendly people. Thanks for everything. - SC

My time at the College has been excellent. I have learnt a lot. The tutors have all been very good and very helpful - RB

Everything brilliant! I would recommend - LJ

Foot Health Courses Student Testimonial 2
2023 Group Testimonial

I enjoyed the course, friendly staff  - WT


I felt very supported able to ask questions and be guided in a patient manner. The afternoon lectures are very informative, I gained a lot from these. Thank you for a wonderful experience. - VG


November students 2022

Fantastic Course.  Excellent Tutors.  The Course is brilliantly put together and the literature is super informative.    MF


Loved it from start to finish – you are all amazing  Thanks for this journey I’ve enjoyed it so much.  VF


A brilliant experience from start to finish!  A special thank you to John for all his input and support.   RS


Fantastic, very informative staff and course.  I was made to feel welcome and part of the FHP team.  SS

October class 2022

Probably the most worthwhile course I’ve done in 30 years!  Your staff are excellent.   MW


Overall the course and the training experience were very enjoyable.  I’m looking forward to further training in the future.  LM


Very much enjoyed the course and look forward to coming back and doing more training in the future.  HK

August 2022 college of foot healthclass

I appreciate that you gave me the opportunity to attend the practical training. I have learnt better techniques and have enjoyed these two weeks, thank you. - CE


An excellent course – I have learnt so much – thank you, everyone. - SS


John is extremely knowledgeable and interactive throughout all lectures. His presentations are both informative, fun and engaging. All of the tutors during the clinic were very helpful, understanding & willing to assist. - CGK

A thoroughly enjoyable time was had, made very welcome and well informed throughout. Many thanks - PA

Everything has been great. - LW

My overall experience has been amazing & I would definitely recommend this course and college to anyone interested in becoming a FHP. - HP

Thank you to everyone. - JP

A very informative course all staff supporting and encouraging. - RB

College FHP May class of 2022

The course, staff and tutors have been amazing.  I’ve enjoyed the course throughout and have felt supported.  I will happily return for further training and to help in clinic.         OD


The course overall was exceptional.    MC


I would strongly recommend this course to anyone – the tutors and staff have been excellent.    RY


This College is an excellent facility and provides everything for you to succeed in your ambitions.  NH

college of foot health April 2022 class

The course is very well organised and informative and all of the tutors are amazing.    KD


Excellent course.   KS


All the staff and tutors are supportive – it’s good to know that the College is there if I need support in the future.   NG


The course was one of the best I have ever attended.  I will definitely continue with further training.  BK

Testimonial College of foot health Diploma_result

I particularly enjoyed the two-week practical as this has really given me the confidence to go out into the field and start practicing. All of the course tutors have been so helpful, knowledgeable, and approachable. I can’t recommend this course highly enough. DH


I have enjoyed the course, all the staff at the college have been very helpful and supportive throughout. I have learned a lot! Thank you, SS


From my first phone conversation and initial contact with the CFHP bI have had nothing but amazing advice the whole experience has been fantastic. VB


The course has been challenging and demanding but it has been very informative, and opportunity has been very beneficial CL

College of Foot Helath March Class 2022

I’ve had a great experience knowledgeable and enthusiastic tutors who have been generous with their reassurance and patient. Really enjoyed John’s lectures informative and in-depth. Wonderful JW


Thank you, Gill, Danni, Alison, Jess, Gemma, Caroline, and John. Much appreciation for your support during the course, see you soon. SM


Danni will make an excellent tutor she was very informative and supportive. Jill has been excellent in encouraging us and answering questions. Alison and Caroline were very knowledgeable and made me feel at ease. Overall, the staff have been supportive. John is extremely knowledgeable and informative. The college has been a great experience. Thank you all SM


Thank you for all of your kindness and support JE


December 2021 Foot Health Practitioners

I really enjoyed my time at the College.  Sam was great in pushing me to believe in my ability.    LG

I’ve really enjoyed my time doing the practical training.   Thank you!  KB

The Tutors and Staff at the College were welcoming and put us at ease.  Jane and Sam were excellent and gave just the right amount of support.   DC

Everyone is lovely and amazing – a fantastic College to train at.  KM

November 2021 Foot Health Practitioners

Thank you for all your help and support.  It’s been great!    LD

It’s been super.  TL

It’s been a memorable two weeks.  I loved it so much.  AH

Thank you for being amazing!  JM

Loved the course – absolutely fantastic two weeks  TM

Great course.  Thank you for giving me such a brilliant opportunity.  KC

The two weeks have been amazing.  CM

October 2021 Foot Health Practitioners

Everyone is excellent, good and kind.  Thank you.   RB

A really well-organised course.  Lots of support.  John is a wealth of knowledge and nothing is too much trouble.  KH

Great team and support from all at College.  LH

I would like to thank you for your support and kindness.   KM

Course was really good and informative – exceeded expectations.  I learned so much.   LT

September 2021 Foot Health Practitioners

Excellent course!     CM

I was treated so well and fell I am walking away with a wealth of experience.  RK

The facilities at the College are excellent, there is always support available if needed.    SS

I’ve loved my time in the clinic everyone is so friendly, the knowledge I’ve gained over the last two weeks is second to none.  CK

I’ve loved my two weeks practical it’s great to have the experience of so many patients.  MS

Had a wonderful time would recommend this course.  TG

Everything was perfect.  Looking forward to coming back.  GS

Absolutely loved this course. Could not have wished for a better two weeks practical.  ES

This has been the best two weeks I’m truly grateful for all your help.   CM

August 2021 Foot Health Practitioners

All staff were very friendly.    SO

The course was excellent.  The staff were brilliant nothing too much trouble.  SN

Great course and tutors – all staff helpful and supportive.   NW

Great course.  It’s been a good and interesting two weeks with lots of knowledge learnt.   JL

A fantastic course I cannot praise highly enough.  A wonderful, warm supportive atmosphere.     JD

July 2021 Foot Health Practitioners

Your understanding and support has been phenomenal.  Thank you all.     WS

I have really enjoyed my two weeks at the College and have had fab support from everyone.   LT

Thank you all at CFHP from start to finish you have been amazing.   LG

This experience has been wonderful.  I would highly recommend.   TH

Thank you so much for all your expert guidance.  All members of staff work as a team – this is obvious!   TM

Second to none!    DM

Everyone at the College is kind, calm and approachable.  Keep up the good work, be happy and keep smiling.   ECH

You are a brilliant team and work so well together.  Thank you to Jill and Danni for making the clinics run so smoothly.   EG

June 2021 Foot Health Practitioners

The support from the tutors and College staff has been amazing.  What a friendly, informative and inspiring College.    LB

Thank you – Enjoyed the course very much.   TB

My time here has been great and very informative.  JE

The College is a fantastic placed.  John, Sharon, Jill and all of the tutors are extremely knowledgeable,  friendly and helpful.  DH

May 2021 Foot Health Practitioners

The College team have all been extremely welcoming.  They are all very approachable and took time to listen.  Nothing was too much trouble for them.  I gained so much practical experience which is vital in preparing for my new career.  I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this college to future FHP’s.       NW

It was an excellent course- I enjoyed every day.  The fabulous staff placed me at ease.  PC

I cannot express how much I have enjoyed this course.  Everyone is amazing.  TF

All the staff have been amazing – made the whole experience a real pleasure.  SDF

Thoroughly enjoyed my 2 week practical.  The staff are friendly, helpful and supportive.  John is so inspiring and I’ve learnt so much from him.  I’m looking forward to starting my own business knowing I have all of you behind me if I need any help.   MC

Everyone at the College has been welcoming, friendly, supportive and informative giving me the confidence that I have chosen the correct new career for me.  I would like to thank you all.  HB

April 2021 Foot Health Practitioners

I couldn’t have completed this training without your kind and patient help.  Thank you for sharing all your years of experience and knowledge to help me start on the road as a qualified FHP.


December 2020 Foot Health Practitioners

Excellent course!     JW

I would like to thank the college for giving the opportunity to study this exciting programme in such a friendly environment.  I have learnt a  lot, not only as a FHP but as a person.  It will go a long way.  OB

This course has exceeded my expectations – second to none!   RLW

It’s been an amazing experience, Staff and Tutors are supportive and knowledgeable.   MD

Excellent Course – I only wish is I’d found you earlier before. Everyone has been outstanding and I couldn’t wish to be part of a better College.   VC

The continued help and support from the beginning has been amazing.   HK

October 2020 Foot Practitioners

Everyone has been so helpful and it’s great to know there will be ongoing support.     CW

I have really enjoyed the course and am excited about my new skills.    AG

Everyone does an amazing job and it’s a great college J   LM

I would like to thank everyone for an incredible course and being fantastic.   HC

I’ve loved training here, everyone is so knowledgeable but down to earth.  I’m going to miss coming tbh.   JT

Thank you for the professional theory and practical experience.  I really appreciated the supporting learning environment at the College.      RB

September 2020 Foot Health Practitioners

Throughout the course we have had 100% support.   SW

All the tutors were fantastic and had positive attributes that I benefitted from.   JS

Tutors are superb!   PC

Everyone really helpful and procedures and techniques are explained well.   LW

Very happy with course, feeling confident to start work on Monday.  RF

All the staff are helpful and supportive.  WT

I would recommend the course Tutors and staff were all helpful and easy to approach.  JB

Had a lot of support, everyone was really nice, I felt completely at ease.   SC

Staff were all great nothing was too much trouble.  KA

August Foot Health Practitioners

I have enjoyed my experience at the College and have received a lot of support and guidance.    DE

I have thoroughly enjoyed the course.  All the staff have been great.  EM

The training was exceptional.  Total support is given throughout.  “Everyone” at the College has been welcoming, supportive and kind.  Just a big THANK YOU.   PB

July 2020 Foot Health Practitioners

Would recommend this course to anyone!     MB

Those who can do….. and teach here!!  I cannot thank you all enough.    CD

First class course I would 100% recommend it to others.   CM

All the staff are really caring, patient and welcoming.  Sharon is really understanding.  John is so extremely knowledgeable and patient.    JB

Fantastic people, very professional I’m very happy I chose to do this course.   GD

First-class quality learning experience.  Every member of the team instils confidence in the learner.   DM

Very good course, very informative and loved the relaxed environment so we could ask questions.   HF

March 2020 Foot Health Practitioners

Keep Laughing!  I have loved every minute and look forward to my new venture.  FS

Thank you to the whole FHP team for deliverying such a well run and professional programme.  An outstanding learning experience.  LD

Staff have been exceptionally helpful and supportive.  LH

February 2020 Foot Health Practitioners

Thank you so much for everything you have all done, be it the last two weeks or over my period of study.  ZB

Absolutely brilliant!  Staff are amazing and couldn’t help more.   LG

January 2020 Foot Health Practitioners

Tutors have been invaluable, Jill and Sharon have been marvellous.  EQ

Loved every minute everyone has been so helpful and supportive.   SJ

I have viewed lots of training providers and felt CFHP was the right choice.  The course and College have lived up to their reputation.  CH

The course structure is very educative and essential for Foot Health Practice.  NRC

August 2020 Foot Health Practitioners


Decemeber 2019 Foot Health Practitioners

The 2 Day Prep course made all the difference.  All staff and tutors have been great.  JG

Had a wonderful 2 weeks, all the staff are fantastic.  Tutors are amazing. Would always recommend this course.  TF

Great Staff, lovely patients, made to feel welcome.  Beccy was lovely and Sharon is amazing.  TA

All the staff are caring and supportive.  I have really enjoyed the whole experience.  LR

I have been really happy, everyone is supportive and helpful.

November 2019 Foot Health Practitioners

I’ve really enjoyed the course, met some lovely people and I’m going to miss it.   JM

The two weeks has been amazing!  LM

Really enjoyed the two weeks experience.  RJ

Thanks! It was great – really excellent staff.  JE

It has been a wonderful 2 weeks and I look forward to continuing on this journey with you all.  LB

Will miss you all – thank you for all your support and guidance.  JC

October 2019 Foot Health Practitioners

John’s lectures were particularly interesting and Beccy was really approachable.  Thanks to everyone.   SA

Beccy and Jane are amazing Tutors, John is incredibly knowledgeable – he is fantastic.  JB

Staff are brilliant and very supportive.  HB

Highly recommend the college a special 10 days of practical training and a pleasure to be part of.  John Falkner-Heyling is the top teacher and mentor I have ever met.  MS

September 2019 Foot Health Practitioners

The College course has been wonderful.  A big thank you to all for the encouragement and reassurance.  I would definitely recommend this course.   MT

A great course, found it very interesting.  DM

Excellent College, really enjoyed my two weeks.  A great learning experience.  TK

I have thoroughly enjoyed the course from start to graduation.  I have felt supported at all times and everyone is approachable and friendly.  EA

A great course, brilliant Tutors and Staff.  I feel confident to set up my domiciliary business.  CY

Worth every penny  - Excellent!  You have got it right!!  KA

I found the course very good.  RS


Completion of certificate of competency

There are friendly and supportive staff and tutors with great experience which are very supportive and make you feel very welcome and at ease.
Lectures are thorough, interesting and supportive, and if in doubt with any topics or queries they're will be a friendly smiley face to help you out.
Highly recommend and worth every penny.

August 2019 Foot Health Practitioners

Overall a great course.   FT

Loved the experience, friendly staff.  LK

I’ve loved the course, I really appreciate the time and effort you have all put in to make me so confident for my new career path.  AH.

Foot Health Practitioners July 2019

Had the most amazing time with all you guys at the clinic, thanks especially to John, Sharon, Alison and Amber, very professional and knowledgeable!    WD.

Thank you for a wonderful experience.   CL

I have been extremely happy with the course.    KG

John is fantastic I could have happily spent longer listening to him.  HP

May 2019 Foot Health Practitioners

The course, training and clinic have been excellent and I have felt supported throughout.  I’ve learnt so much and it’s good that there is continued support and not simply goodbye.   Andrea W.

Brilliant course, lovely staff and good that back up is there if needed.   Anja F.

I will continue my learning opportunities with the College as the staff are all friendly and approachable.  Gill P.

Fantastic College, I have loved every minute.  Will definitely be back.   Louise J.

Wonderful College, staff were fantastic.  Can’t wait to come back.  John is fantastic!  Adelle E.

March 2019 Foot Health Practitioners

I was surprised by the passion that shone through from everyone.  I would not change a thing you are all a credit to your profession.  Debra H

You make everyone feel like family and you have changed my life for the better I cannot thank you enough.  Georgina C.

I can’t express enough praise and thanks for the support I have had.  Ruth S.

Fantastic College.  Faye G.

April 2019 Foot Health Testimonials

I have been incredibly impressed with the support and professionalism since my inital contact.  Everyone within the college has been friendly and approachable and put me at ease from day one.  Kim G

John and Sharon were both wonderful.  So supportive and helpful.  Julie C

Thank you so much for everything.  All the staff have been supportive and helpful, I’ll be forever grateful for everything.  Jane D

Everything was great.  Holly M

February 2019 Foot Health Practitioners

The whole experience has been great.  See you at the Conference.  Silvia M.

The lectures were very good with lots of information.  Adrian was so supportive of me and has helped me so much.  Sharon in the office has also been fab.  Lian P.

Thank you to all the tutors.  They have all been great.  Claire B.

January 2019 Foot Health Practitioners

I have really appreciated the support and never felt pressurised or rushed.  I’ve really enjoyed the course both theory and practical.   Jennie M


May 2018 Foot Health Practitioners

Thank you for a great experience, I have really enjoyed my time at the College.  Cherie R

I would like to say a huge “thank you” to all the staff for their support.  Clare A

April 2018 Foot Health Practitioners

The lectures have been amazing, the staff are all so informative and encouraging.  Thank you for the experience.  Ruth D

A fantastic fortnight.  Pauline B

My experience was so enjoyable.  Cally W

March 2018 Foot Health Practitioners

Loved every minute!  Meghan H


Claire R

I have really enjoyed my time at the College, the staff are so supportive and helpful.  Sharon looks after everything and never makes you feel like it’s a silly question.

Heulwen T

My confidence in my ability was at its lowest but I have received such support I am more than ready to start my new career.

Karen H

Excellent Course and the support offered is second to none.

Sharon P

We had a full clinic and treated lots of different conditions.

Heather P

I will leave here feeling part of a family!!!  At 45 it was a worry changing career but I honestly cannot wait.

Audrey G

Everyone goes above and beyond and we really learnt from the best.

Katie W

I love that in the future there is support from the College which fills me with confidence.

Joanna H

I’ve really loved the experience and thank you for helping me progress to the next stage in my life.

Michelle B

The course is very informative and covered no only foot health but the business side too.  Worth the cost and the better college.

Chloe H

The past two weeks have been a great experience and I’ve learnt so much.

Amber A

I have loved every minute of the two weeks practical.  The knowledge that the Director of Clinical Training has to offer is invaluable.

Angela J

I’ve learned so much and feel confident to proceed in my new role as a FHP.

Sam K

I’ve really enjoyed my time here at the College and have had far more support than I’ve ever had before when training.

Sherman H

Don’t change a thing! Everyone is so knowledgeable and super friendly.

David T

Overall an excellent course with great staff and tutors.

Kerry W

An enjoyable 2 weeks, very intense but thanks to all for support and kindness.

Rachel S

I have been impressed with every aspect from beginning to end.

Allison C

The two day practical was really helpful and the lunch talks from suppliers very useful.

Emma T

The help and advice has been excellent.

Moira G

I have been very grateful for all the learning opportunities presented by the College.

Joanne W

Excellent course, excellent tutors, thanks to Sharon for all the support.

Carol T

John’s knowledge and teaching skills are exceptional.  The whole team is really organised.

Maralyn E

Would like to say a big thank you to everyone for making us all feel so welcome.

Louise C

I’ve been impressed with the standard of the course.  Everyone has been helpful and patient.


S. Hollier

"Just to let you know I’m so glad I decided to train with your College, after only 6 months of trading I have a client base of 250 clients and still growing!"

A. Weaner

"I would like to thank all the staff and tutors for their help and support, it has been an enjoyable experience and one that I would thoroughly recommend. Thanks again for your support and patience!"


"I found the course to be run very professionally. I was given lots of encouragement by all the staff and tutors and it is an excellent mix of theory, lectures and practical work. I would like to thank all the staff for a fantastic 2 weeks"

C. Evans

"Lovely College – great tutors. Thank you!"

K. Castleton

"My thanks to the staff and tutors for their patience. I could not have wished for a group of people so wonderful and pleasant to work/train with who encourage you all the way. Finally, the facilities are out of this world!"

R. Owen

"Really enjoyed the two weeks at the College – found the staff and tutors very approachable."

A. Whitfield

"I have done lots of training in my working life. This experience stands out as being very focused on the skills and techniques needed to do the work and in inspiring me to want to develop towards the next level in my practice. Personally, it has given me a much needed boost to my confidence and self-belief in being able to so a job which makes a difference. The College, staff and patients have been an absolute tonic!"

N. Wordsworth

"Whilst here I have received the best tuition I have ever had throughout my life and would recommend the course to anyone. The Knowledge I have gained here through having attentive and patient tutors, is more than I could ever have wished for. I now have the confidence to go out there and jump in to business knowing that help is always at hand. Many thanks"

P. Burgess

"I loved every minute of this course, everyone was lovely and helpful. I cannot wait to do further courses here. I am going to miss everyone but I’m sure I will see them at the conference next year"


"I would like to say how fantastic the College staff are! Everyone is passionate about their work and I feel proud to have trained at this College. I will always keep in touch and remember the fun we had during the lecturers. Thank you to you all!"

D. Hogg

"The most amazing learning experience I have ever witnessed. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to train with the College. Many thanks to all the staff and tutors."

O. Pankiw

"I was very impressed with the flexibility offered to me by the College."

C. Human

"The quality of the course exceeded my expectations and was most inspirational."

J. Tildesley

"The quality of the course exceeded my expectations and was most inspirational."

P. Dodich

"Course very well structured and delivered very professionally. Fantastic to be part of “the family”. Thank you."

L. Hyde

"A thoroughly enjoyable course, many thanks to all the staff who do a lot of work to support us behind the scenes. It was with trepidation that I signed up for a career change, but thanks to the support and guidance of the tutors I have confidence to be a competent FHP. Many thanks to all the tutors for their guidance"

N. Paxton

"Thank you to all the tutors who have made this learning experience a very positive one. Your encouragement has made me feel comfortable and confident enough to embark upon this new adventure! The knowledge and kindness you have shown has made these 2 weeks fly by – 2 weeks of my annual leave well spent"

B. Lloyd

"From the very start of my course the staff have all been very helpful. Always at the end of a phone if I had any queries, very supportive, nice people."

E. Harrold

"What a thoroughly enjoyable, positive experience. Thank you for being such fantastic teachers."

S. Price

"All the staff were very knowledgeable, helpful and kind. I cannot thank them enough for making me feel comfortable and confident. Excellent course."



"Thank you for giving me the chance to have a new opportunity in my life."


"You have all been fantastic and have made our two weeks a positive learning experience. Thank you."


"Thank you so much for all your help and encouragement for the last two weeks!"


"Thank you for everything. You are all stars, I’ve learnt so much and now feel ready for the world of feet."


"Dear All, Just to say a big thank you for all your help and support. You have the patience of saints. Best wishes for the future."


"Many thanks to you all, I’ve had a lot of fun, you have been so supportive, a real positive experience for me, see you again soon."


"Hi Guys! Thank you so much for everything that you have done for us. You have all been so kind and supportive. I hope we make you proud."


"A fantastic College with excellent learning facilities – I thoroughly enjoyed my course and meeting everyone – see you at the Convention!"


"Thank you for all your support– this has been an amazing learning experience for me – I now feel ready to start my new career."


"A fantastic College and course a big thank you to all the Tutors and staff. I hope to see you all again soon!!"