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2-Day Preparation Workshop | November 2024

November 6 - November 7


A two-day workshop will enable you to learn everything you want to know about the course – and the occupation. You can familiarise yourself with the College, meet the Administrators, and discover the relationship of the College to the accommodation, local shops, and car parking. The Principal will lift the course ‘off the page’ with detailed explanation that cannot be conveyed by the course book alone. You will hear the words and terms that we use spoken and be introduced to the underlying concepts that inform the way we do things. An introduction to the clinics, equipment and instruments that we use and how we work, means fewer surprises when you come to do your practical. The 2-day preparation workshop will give you more confidence. You will gain greater understanding of the theory modules and feel more comfortable when you come to apply the theory in the clinical part of the course. You will meet fellow students just like yourself, and they just might be at the same stage as you are. Some use the workshop early in their course to learn where they are going whilst others use it later as an enjoyable revision opportunity. Either way it will have a positive effect upon your preparation to enter into practice.

The 2-day preparation is designed to be interactive and there will be space to discuss individual questions. The workshop is designed to help you to be confident with your theory and consolidate your studies prior to the 10 day practical session. This ensures that you will derive maximum benefit from your practical training.

Day One

  • 10:00am to 11:15am – Anatomical relationships, surfaces, aspects and landmarks, skeleton, bones of the leg and foot, arches, movement, planes, pronation and supination.
  • 11:30am to 12:30pm – Skin structure, reflex mechanisms, hyperkeratosis.
  • 12:30pm to 1:30pm – Lunch.
  • 1:30pm to 2:45pm – Nails, nail anatomy, nail plate function, range of onychodystrophies, specific nail conditions.
  • 3:00pm to 4:30pm – Clinical introduction and patient set-up demonstrations.

Day Two

  • 10:00am to 11:15am – Homeostasis, circulation of the blood, lymphatic drainage, musculature, innervations.
  • 11:30am to 12:30pm – Pathogens, cross-infection, hand-hygiene, instruments, sterilisation, resistance to disease.
  • 12:30pm to 1:30pm – Lunch.
  • 1:30pm to 2:45pm – On practice, records, history- taking referral. Diabetes and its implications, Pes planovalgus, Hallux abductovalgus.
  • 3:00pm to 4:30pm – Assessment or examination – what to expect. Problem sorting session and conclusion.

The cost of the workshop is £150.00 including vat.


November 6
November 7
Event Category:


The College of Foot Health Practitioners Ltd